If your Squadron is on this list, you are no longer a member of the Sons and are at risk of losing your continuous membership streak.
The renewal period for 2025 commenced on July 1, 2024. At this stage, all members in Kansas should have their memberships renewed.
We kindly ask that you pay your dues promptly to honor the family member who qualified you for membership in the Sons of the American Legion.
NOTE: If you have paid your dues more than two weeks ago, please contact your Squadron Adjutant and hold them accountable for getting dues payments processed.
Squadrons on this list are not eligible to be represented at Detachment Convention, and are at risk of having their charters revoked.
The renewal period for 2025 commenced on July 1, 2024. At this stage, all members in Kansas should have their memberships renewed and those memberships transmitted to Department.
We kindly ask that you pay your dues promptly to honor the family member who qualified you for membership in the Sons of the American Legion.
NOTE: If you have paid your dues more than two weeks ago, please contact your Squadron Adjutant and hold them accountable for getting dues payments processed.
Check out the latest membership report, plus other files of interest.
The latest editions of the SALute and The Millenium are here!
You can subscribe to The Millenium here.
Looking for previous SALute articles? Click here!
The latest update (11/2024) of the Consolidated Squadron Report fillable PDF is below.
NOTE: The CSR Form should be emailed to cprandcsrforms@legion.org. This is a new email address this year.
SALute February 2025 (pdf)
Download2025_Feb_Millennium (pdf)
DownloadSAL Membership Report-2025-02-07 (pdf)
DownloadSAL Membership Report-2024-EOY (pdf)
Download50IA1124-SAL-Consolidated-Squadron-Report-FILL (pdf)
DownloadNotification-of-Post-Commanders-and-Adjutants (pdf)
DownloadNotification-of-Post-Commanders-and-Adjutants- (docx)